Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Robes for Recovery

Robes for Recovery is a community service project that supports breast cancer patients. The project was started in 2013, and dozens of robes were donated to area hospitals in the first year alone.

Robes for Recovery was founded by Debbie Droppleman, Chief Financial Officer of Fairmont Federal Credit Union, after she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007 and subsequently underwent radiation treatment. “When I began radiation treatment several years ago at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh, I was given a “dignity robe” that was made by volunteers and donated through the hospital. The robe was specially designed with Velcro closures up the center and sides for easy access. That smock has been with me for over 100 radiation treatments and every time I wear it I am grateful for the kind and considerate volunteers who support cancer patients with their love and handiwork. While dignity robes are routinely provided to cancer patients in the Pittsburgh area, they are not generally available in our area hospitals. It is for these reasons that Fairmont Federal Credit Union employees are eager to commit their time and resources to producing radiation robes for breast cancer patients in our communities,” Debbie said of her experience that inspired Robes for Recovery.

After she came up with the idea, she presented it to the Fairmont Federal Credit Union management team. They loved the idea, and Robes for Recovery began as a community service project. Robes for Recovery relies on volunteers to either sew or do fundraising to make the creation of these wonderful robes a possibility. Robes for Recovery has been a great success and has so far created more than 700 robes!

Robes for Recovery Mission Statement:
We Have Hope
Our hope is that by providing specially tailored radiation robes to breast cancer patients, we will help them maintain their pride and dignity during their journey through treatment toward recovery.

We Have Faith
We have faith that we will raise sufficient funds from donations and recruit enough volunteers to sustain our project.

We Have Commitment
We are committed to honoring and supporting breast cancer patients by giving these garments with love, kindness, hope and care.

For questions or to volunteer for this worthwhile community service project, please call Debbie Droppleman, Robes for Recovery Coordinator, at 304.363.5320 ex. 6028 or email her at ddroppleman@ma.rr.com.

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